
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae
Genus: Madoqua
Species: Madoqua saltiana, Madoqua kirkii, Madoqua guentheri, Madoqua piacentinii
The common name for the Madoqua is the dik-dik, which is described as a small antelope.
Eukarya: The dik-dik is a eukaryote with cells having nuclei.
Animalia: The dik-dik is multicellular, motile (at least at some stage), heterotrophic, and they also lack cell walls for structure.
Chordata: The dik-dik is bilaterally symmetric, triploblastic, a deuterostome, and contains a notochord.
Mammalia: The dik-diks have many features that classify them as a mammal; a couple of them are as follows: endothermic, amniotes, covered in hair, placentals, and females contain mammary glands.
Artiodactyla: (even toed ungulates [hooved animals]) The weight of the Dik-dik is spread evenly about the third and fourth toes rather than mostly on the third toe.
Bovidae: The dik-dik’s have many of the common traits of bovids including; four-chambered ruminants, unbranched horns (on males). Members of this family include; antelopes, gazelles, sheep, goats, and cattle.
Medoqua: This is known as the dik-dik which is a small antelope with an elongated snout forming into a proboscis.
(Madoqua kirkii, 2013)

Phylogenetic tree (Ruminantia, 2006)                                                        Figure 1. Phylogentic tree at the Family level of classification emphasizing ruminants.

The blue families of this phylogenetic tree are all ruminants. The Dik-dik is in the Bovidae family. This tree shows that Moschidae and Cervidae along with the Bovidae form a clade, and they would all be sister taxa. Because of the Tragulidae family, the ruminants are not a monophyletic group. This tree is based on morphological data.
(Ruminantia, 2006)

Phylogenetic tree by Mehmet Karatay based on data from Matthee & Davis, 2001)                                                                                 Figure 2. Phylogentic tree based on molecular evidence

This tree shows that Dik-diks form a monophyletic group with Gazelles, Sharpe’s Grysbok, Southern Grysbok, and the Steenbok. The Dik-dik is more closely related to the Steenbok and Grysboks than to Gazelles. This tree is based off of molecular data using the following genes; Thy, PRKC1, SPTBN1, Kap-cas, Cyt b, 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA. Four of the genes are independent DNA markers and three are mitochondrial DNA markers.
(Matthee & Davis, 2001)

