Interesting Facts
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      Red pandas have many adaptations.  First, they have an enlarged wrist bone located on each front paw, which serves as a "thumb."  This sixth digit or "thumb" is useful for feeding because it allows the pandas to grasp and hold bamboo tightly.  Red pandas also have large tails which are often used as a pillow and prevent heat loss.  Furthermore, their tails assist them in maintaining balance.  For instance, when standing on their hind legs, their tails act as a prop.  

Picture from: http://www.thenewzoo.com/animals/redpanda.php#
Above:  From the picture, one can see that red pandas are not very big.

      In addition to these adaptations, red pandas also have a small body mass.  They usually weigh around 8 to 14 pounds.  Their small body mass allows them to walk on thin branches, making the panda inaccessible to heavier predators. 
      Red pandas are also excellent climbers, and they have strong, curved claws.   When descending down a tree headfirst, the red panda uses hind-foot mobility.  During hind-foot mobility, the red panda rotates its ankle outward, allowing its hind claws to firmly grasp the tree trunk.   Headfirst descent has many advantages for the red panda.   First, it is much quicker than backing down the tree, and it also prepares the panda to make a quick departure when it reaches the ground.   
Below:  Here's another picture that I took of "Tae-Bo" at the New Zoo in Green Bay, Wisconsin.  If you look closely, you can see his sharp claws.  His claws are an important adaptation for survival. 

Picture by: Kayla Kuczmarski

                               Created By:  Kayla Kuczmarski
                                Last Updated:  April 27, 2007

                                 Contact Information:  kuczmars.kayl@students.uwlax.edu