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Domain: Eukarya
    ◊ Cells possess nucleus
    ◊ Have membrane-bound organelles

Kingdom: Animalia
    ◊ Multicellular
    ◊ Lack cell walls
    ◊ Cells organized into tissues
    ◊ Heterotrophic

Phylum: Chordata
    ◊ Triploblastic (three tissue layers)
    ◊ Bilateral symmetry
    ◊ Notochord
    ◊ Postanal tail
    ◊ Pharyngeal pouches
    ◊ Complete digestive tract
    ◊ Dorsal nerve cord
    ◊ Coelom or body cavity

Class:  Mammalia
    ◊ Body covered with hair
    ◊ Mammary glands
    ◊ Internal fertilization
    ◊ Four-chambered heart
    ◊ Endothermic

Family:  Ailuridae
    ◊ Thick fur
    ◊ Long tail
    ◊ Round face
    ◊ Tear tracks around eyes

Genus:  Ailurus

Species:  Ailurus fulgens

Subspecies:  Ailurus fulgens styani
    ◊ Larger than other subspecies,        Ailurus fulgens  fulgens
◊ Fur is a more intense, rust
    ◊ Longer winter coat than other
    ◊ Stronger teeth


      The red panda's classification has been a very controversial topic in the past and is still a controversial topic today.  When red pandas were first discovered, they were placed in the bear family, Ursidae.  It was not until later that they were moved to the raccoon family, Procyonidae.  The reason for the confusion of the placement of the red panda exists because the red panda shares characteristics with both the bear and raccoon families.  For instance, the red panda has similar skull and tooth structures to the giant panda, a specific species within the Ursidae family.  Furthermore, the red panda has also adapted forepaws for manipulating bamboo and has adapted to a similar environment as the giant panda.  On the other hand, the red panda also shares characteristics with the raccoon family including a thick, banded tail, a masked face, and pointed ears.  Yet despite these similarities, the red panda has been currently placed in its own family, Ailuridae, based on molecular phylogenics.    

Constructed by: Kayla Kuczmarski

      Here is a possible phylogenetic tree for the red panda that I created using different sources from my reference page.  According to the tree, the red panda (Ailurus fulgens) is more closely related to the raccoon family, Procyonidae, then it is to the bear family, Ursidae.  Note:  I did not include all families belonging to the order Carnivora as well as all species found within the genera of the raccoon and bear families. 

                               Created By:  Kayla Kuczmarski
                                Last Updated:  April 27, 2007

                                 Contact Information:  kuczmars.kayl@students.uwlax.edu