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The calla lily is an autotrophic organism.  It is able to produce its own food as long as it has enough water, CO2, and sunlight.  To obtain the water, it must be transported from the roots to the leaves.  It is able to do so by using specialized structures called xylem cells. On the leaves themselves there are pore openings called stomata.  These stomata have the ability of opening and closing.  For the process of photosynthesis to occur the stomata must open so Carbon Dioxide can be let in, the problem that occurs because of this process is that water is lost through the pores so more water is needed because it is being let out.  In the presence of sunlight the pigment chlorophyll absorbs all the wavelengths of visible light except for green which is reflected.  This reflection of green is what we see when we look at green leaves. 

Photosynthesis includes two stages.  The first stage is the light dependent reactions which occur in the grana in the inner membrane of the chloroplasts.  The energy involved is usually from the sun however it can be artificially produced.  This energy creates energy carrier molecules that can be used in the light independent reactions.  During this stage which occurs in the stroma of the chloroplasts carbon-carbon bonds are created.  These carbohydrates are then able to provide energy for the plant.

Public Domain, Calla lily in Nature

Extra food in the calla lily can be stored in the rhizome.  These rhizome commonly called tubers can grow to be extremely large in size.

In the presence of enough water and plenty of sunlight the calla lily is very likely to do well.  It does not have specific soil needs and is able to resist minor frost.  However in very cold or hot conditions the plant will not be able to survive.







This page is maintained by Ashley Schultz
