Reproduction and Nutrition

The process in which N. Meningitidis reproduces is binary fission.  Binary fission is one of the most common ways for bacterial cells to reproduce.  The steps of binary fission are as follows:


  1. Chromosome attaches to plasma membrane
  2. Chromosome replicates
  3. Cell grows and protein ring forms
  4. Protein ring in middle constricts and the membranes and cell wall come in and pinch together
  5. Fission is complete and two genetically identical daughter cells are created

The product is two genetically identical daughter cells.  This allows the bacteria to continue to replicate without genetic abnormalities or changes that would affect its growth or ability to be parasitic in humans. 






N. Meningitidis is heterotrophic meaning it survives off the organism in which it lives.  Since it also causes disease because of its location in humans it is called a heterotrophic parasite.  The bacteria gets its nutrients from the mucous membrane in which it lives and also from the blood of humans in the cases where it invades the circulatory system. 

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