Martes pennanti

Interesting Facts

The North American Marten

Why did you choose this particular organism?  

     I chose the Marten because a few years ago I had a friend loss about 10 chickens to what we thought was a marten. There are a lot of people that have never heard of a Marten or a Fisher and I wanted to take this opportunity to learn more about this amazing animal.


Why should other people find it interesting?

                        The Marten is an interesting organism for a couple of different reasons; it is a skilled hunter, and a reproductive machine. As described in the nutrients page, the fisher has developed techniques to bring down prey that is extremely dangerous. The fact that it can successfully kill a porcupine sets it apart from most animals that live in the northern United States. The marten is also known for the amount of its life it spends pregnant, almost 80 percent of the female marten’s life is spent devoted to continuing their species. After the age of two it is practically reproductively active until its death.



Interesting Quotes About Martens:


“Curiosity Killed The Marten”

“Marten Got Your Tongue?”