Penicillium chrysogenum     

Creator of Penicillin "The Wonder Drug"                     *
                         Tom Volk - Mycology - University of Wisconsin, La Crosse
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Like Fungus?
Multiple Organisms 
Shiitake Mushroom
Baker's Yeast
Bird's Nest Fungus

You made it through, let's see how you did!


Clip Art- Mushroom four

1. Yes, this is a mushroom! This happens to be a fruiting body of a basidiomycota fungus. 


Tom Volk - Universtiy of Wisconsin, La Crosse

2. No, this is not a mushroom! This is the asexual structure of Penicillium sp. which resembles a paint brush. 


Clip Art - Mushroom six

3. The answer to this tricky bugger is both yes and no!  The mushrooms appear at the bottom left of the picture.


Clip Art - Mushroom three

4. The object in front is a mushroom; however, if you look carefully to the gnome's periphery, you will see smaller objects which are in fact mushrooms!

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