Phylogenetic Tree of A. mellifera. Photo by Colin Natrop


The meaning of Apis mellifera in English is honey bearing or producing bee, because honey bees process nectar and pollen into honey. This phylogenetic tree is based on morphological concept.

Eukaryota- Honey bees are members of the domain Eukaryota because their cells have a membrane-bound nucleus

Kingdom: Animalia- Honey bees are members of the Animalia because
they are, multicellular, heterotrophic and motile at some point in life.

Arthropoda- Honey bees are members of the Arthropoda because they have segmented bodies and a jointed exoskeleton.

Epiclass: Hexapoda- Honey bees are members of the Hexapoda because they have 6 walking appendages and 3 body segments.

Class: Insecta- Honey bees are members of the Insecta because: they don't have any muscles past the first segment of their antenna; they have something called Johnston's organ; and they have
an internal structure inside the head called a tentorium.

Hymenoptera- Honey bees are members of the group Hymenoptera because they have “membranous wings, and their abdomen's first segment is fused with the last segment of the thorax.

Family: Apidae- Honey bees are members of the group Apidae because they have a corbicula (pollen basket) on the outside of each hind appendage.

Genus: Apis- All members of this genus are actually honey bees, but this website only deals with the species Apis mellifera.

Species: mellifera- This is the particular species of honey bee.