This website is about the insect
Apis mellifera, commonly known as the Honey Bee. Through out this
website, the name honey bee refers to this particular species. To begin
with I would like to give couple of vocabulary words which should help in the
understanding of the text.
Comb or honey comb- is a frame
structure of hexagonal cells which is made out of bee’s wax, which honey bees
use to raise brood and store honey.
Drone- is the name given to male
honey bees. Their single purpose is to mate with the queen.
Worker- is
the name given to the female honey bees that are sexually immature. They take
care of the queen and do the work around the hive.
The Queen- The queen’s job is to
lay the eggs in the hive. She also releases pheromones to direct the actions of
the workers.
Royal Jelly- is what is fed to
the queen larva, which helps to stimulate hormones which will help to allow the
larva to become a queen. It consists of a high concentration of mandibular
gland secretions, hypopharyngeal gland secretions, and pollen.