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The Portuguese Man of War has developed many adaptations in order to survive in its marine environment.  One such adaptation is its method of locomotion.  It floats passively on the surface of the ocean and is directed by the wind, via the pneumatophore, and the current.  The pneumatophore, or float, remains at the surface, dipping below only to prevent dessication.  The float may be either right or left sided which causes the man of war to drift at an angle of 45 degrees to the direction of the wind.  This helps to aide in the dispersal of these animals more evenly over the world’s oceans.  In addition to locomotion, the pneumatophore’s blue and purple coloration provides camouflage against the background of ocean waves. 

Although Physalia lacks the elements of speed or surprise, due to winds and waves restricting its movements, it has adapted a different method to capture prey.  During hunting, the man of war will stretch out its stinging tentacles to their full length.  This acts as a floating net in which to catch prey items.  Although mostly transparent, these tentacles posses pigmented regions.  These regions resemble larval fish, small shrimp, or copepods in order to lure prey into their net of stinging tentacles.  When captured, the tentacles contract and the prey is digested.