Human Interaction
The man of war can harm the tourism industry. Every year tourists avoid beaches where the Portuguese men of war have washed up on shore or have been seen floating in the ocean. A lot of money is spent each year to treat people that receive stings from Physalia. These stings are characterized by long, linear red marks and very intense pain.
The Portuguese Man of War is also a potential harm to the fishing
industry. Fish harvests may be
influenced by the men of war which feed largely on fish larvae.
If there is a large increase in the
Physalia population, it may lead to a dramatic decrease in the larval fish
available. If larger numbers of fish
are consumed on the larval stage, there may be less fish left to grow and become
a food source for humans.
men of war are a food source for some fish and crustaceans that are of
commercial value and thus, benefit the economy as well.
Also, the man of war may fill a role yet to be studied that keeps the
ecosystem in balance.