

 Host Environment

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Interesting facts












Interesting Facts

Recent studies have suggested that Toxoplasma gondii is able to effect behavioral change in humans just like it does in mice! It is proposed that this parasite influences human culture when parasitizing the brain. According to Kevin Lafferty, People infected with T. gondii experience a wide range of long term personality changes. Kevin Lafferty has done a lot of research about the influence of T. gondii on human culture. I recommend looking up his paper Can the common brain parasite, Toxoplasma gondii influence human culture? His research shows that women who are infected have increased intelligence and increased rule conscious behaviors. They are also much warmer, relaxed, and outgoing. Men who are infected Image found in Wikipedia Commonshave lower intelligence and decreased rule conscious behaviors. Basically, women become more outgoing, and men become more likely to break the law. Both behaviors indicate that the T. gondii inside them is still trying to break down behavior that would keep them out of danger, just like when it breaks down the fear mice have of cats (8,11,12).


I chose to make this website about T. gondii because I find it amazing how this parasite can hide inside its hosts by hijacking it's immune system and how it alters it's hosts behaviors through microbial mind control. In creating this site I also learned about many other organisms that can alter the behaviors of their hosts like Plasmodium, Leucochloridium paradoxum, and thorny-headed worms.


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