:: Adaptations 
What ways have the Wallaby Adapted?

    The Red-necked Wallaby has two very important adaptation as to how thisPicture from http://homepage.mac.com/keithdavey/macropods/bennetts-wallaby-36.htmorganism moves. They include their hind legs and their muscular tail. They have two large hind legs that aid them in jumping, which is there main mode of transportation. The hind legs has elastic tendons in them which help them to spring back up once they hit the ground. They do however use all four limbs when moving quickly. The Wallaby is able to move at speeds up to 64 km per hour! The hind feet has two nails that are partially fused together, used for combing their fur. Their forearms not only are for moving, but they are hand-like and used to manipulate objects. The other important key to moving is their tail. They have a large, long muscular tail that assists them in jumping. It is also used as a prop when sitting up or on all fours, it is important for balance.
     The teeth of the wallaby are another unique adaptation. The molars erupt one after another and they progressively move forward in the jaw. Once the premolars are worn down they are lost and the first molars move forward into their spot. When the first molars are lost the second molars move into their spot. They have four molars in each jaw. Age of a wallaby can often be determined by looking at the teeth and the movement of the teeth in the jaw. Also the incisors can move and act as scissors in a ripping motion, for more information on the incisors see Nutrition.
Picture from http://homepage.mac.com/keithdavey/macropods/bennetts-wallaby-51.htm
    The Red-necked Wallaby can often be seen licking their hands and forearms. This is done when it is warm outside, it released body heat. They are also able to retain water by reabsorbing urea in the kidneys, this is also important for when it is dry and water is in shortage.

    All though wallabies are not hunters and don't need to find animals they do need to sense their environment and react to stimuli such as danger.  They do this by acute hearing. Wallabies have pretty poor eye sight, but through hearing they are able to sense and respond to their surrounding.
Picture from http://homepage.mac.com/keithdavey/macropods/red-neck-wallaby-130.htm


              Check out what they eat!!