Original Image found at - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Viola-odorata-closeup.jpg

Viola odorata

Sweet Violet


Making friends and enemies

     Viola odorata has interactions with Formica polyctena ants, humans and some virus'.  For the interaction with Formica polyctena, see How do I reproduce? Animation by Microsoft Clipart

The Sweet Violet has many human uses.  The three main uses are for perfume, food and medicinal purposes.  The fragrance of the Sweet Violet can be strong, but
is usually very subtle.  The fragrance has been used as far back as Classical Greece for perfumes.

     Every part of the Sweet Violet is edible.  The flowers can be used tOriginal Image found at - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:CDC_spinach1.jpgo make jams and jellies.  They Original Image found at - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Citrus_sinensis.jpgcan also be used to make exotic bonbons, as pastry garnishes, potpo
urris or sachets.  The buds can be served over salad greens with oil and vinegar.  The leaves can be used to munch on as a snack or to make tea.  The Sweet Violet is very nutrient rich in Vitamins A and C.  The violet actually has more Vitamin A than spinach, and more Vitamin C than oranges.

    The Sweet Violet also has many medicinal uses.  It is commonly used to help treat problems in the respiratory system.  The Sweet Violet cleanses toxins and has expectorant, antiseptic and anti-cancer effects.  It has been used to help headaches, insomnia, depression, bronchitis, excess respiratory mucus, coughing and asthma.  The Sweet Violet has also been used to treat cancer of the breast, lungs and digestive tract.  The Sweet Violet is a very useful plant in terms of medicinal uses.

   Viola odorata is susceptible to two different viruses, Tulip X potexvirusPhoto by Micrsoft Clipart - Click to learn more about Tulip X potexvirus and Viola mottle potexvirus.  Tulip X potexvirus symptoms include grey-brown streaking on the leaves and strePhoto by Microsoft Clipart - Click to learn more about Viola mottle potexvirusaks of deeper pigments on the petals.  To learn more about Tulip X potexvirus click on the leaf icon to the right.
  The other virus, Viola mottle potexvirus is a virus that was first reported in the Sweet Violet by Lisa and Dellavalle in 1977 in Liguria, Italy.  Symptoms of this virus include  white stripes on the petals and leaf mottling, which is irregular spots of color that occur in a variety of number and size.  To learn more about Viola mottle potexvirus click on the leaf icon to the left.


 If you would like to learn more about some other medicinal plants visit:
Aloe vera, Aloe vera by Kari Peteler
 Camu Camu, Myrciaria dubia by Cassie Kerr 

Send comments about this page to Katie Tacke, tacke.kati@students.uwlax.edu
a student at the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
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