Tea was a main foundation for the English East India Company, which was one of the first joint-stock companies
The British tax of tea on the American colonies sparked the “Boston Tea Party” and that event later became a symbol of the American Revolution.
Tea plays an essential role in revitalizing the body and maintaining or bettering overall health.
Tea contains some caffeine. Studies have shown that in moderate amounts, caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and speeds up blood circulation, providing more oxygen and nutrients to tissues.
Tea has polyphenols which maybe an anti-cancer agent because it aids with DNA’s ability to reproduce correct forms of itself instead of generating mutations. Furthermore, this antioxidant increases the production of white blood cells, so tea helps fight off infections. That is why in China, after radiation therapy, doctors prescribe a medicine with tea extract, because it helps to increase the patient's
white blood cell count.
People who drink tea have a less chance of getting cancer and other infections!
Tea holds essential oils, which assist in digestion and diminishing fat.
When you thought that was it, studies have shown that tea also protects against heart attacks, strokes, and thrombosis; in addition, tea is able to lower cholesterol.
Tea can strengthen bones just like milk.
Tea prevents cavities and strengthens dental enamel because of the fluoride that is in tea. Thus tea helps to create healthier looking smiles.
Truly tea is a pharmaceutical drink.
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