 Stingray Security

   To hide from predators, Southern Stingrays bury themselves Southern Stingray by Jeff Krausunder the sand. They flap their fins until the sand is covering everything but their eyes and spiracles. The color of the Southern Stingrays also allows them to blend in with the sand underneath them. Even though these stingrays are able to almost completely cover themselves with the sand, hammerhead sharks can still find them with their electrosenses.

   To defend themselves from predators, Southern Stingrays have aPhoto from US Dept of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service edited by Nicole Long sharp spine called the stinger. These stingers are sharp, barbed and venomous. When a stingray feels threatened, it will arch its back with its tail over its head, like a scorpion. The stingray will then thrust the stinger into the attacker. Removing the stinger is difficult because the barbs are pointed away from the wound, like an arrow.  

Down, down, do your dance, do your dance. Do the Stingray Shuffle

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