How does it fit in?
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Columbiformes
Family: Columbidae
Genus: Streptopelia
Species: Streptopelia turtur
Why is Streptopelia turtur classified like this?
Eukarya: Streptopelia turtur is classified under Eukarya because it is made of cells with true organelles and a true nucleus.
Animalia: Streptopelia turtur is in the kingdom Animalia because it is heterotrophic, motile at some stage in its lifecycle, and lacks cell walls.
Chordata: Streptopelia turtur is in the phylum Chordata because at sometime during its life cycle it has a dorsal nerve chord, notochord pharyngeal slits, endostyle, and a post-anal tail.
Aves: Streptopelia turtur is in the class Aves because it is a winged, egg laying, bipedal, endothermic animal.
Columbiformes: Streptopelia turtur is in the order Columbiformes because it is monogamous with a short pointed bill, imperforate nostrils, and short legs.
Columbidae: Streptopelia turtur is in the family Columbidae because it is a bird with a small head and soft but dense plumage.
Streptopelia: Streptopelia turtur is in the genus Streptopelia because it is a slim, small dove with pale brown upper body and a pinkish lower body. Also, it has a characteristic black and white patch on its neck.
Where does Streptopelia turtur fit in with other doves?
Phylogenetic tree of Strepopelia phylum based on molecular evidence of the 2530 base pairs of mitochondrial DNA and 1150 base pairs of nuclear DNA. Table edited from by Johnson, K.P et. al, 2001.