Lauren Webb

I am a freshman at the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse.  I am majoring in biology with a biomedical science concentration.  I hope to continue on to graduate school at the University of Wisconsin - Madison School of Veterinary Medicine.  My goal is to become an equine veterinarian and specialize in reproduction.

This is the first website I have ever made, and I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the process! I made the website as a requirement for my organismal biology class.  I was able to choose from a long list of organisms to research, and when I came  across one of my favorite foods, I thought it'd be fun to learn more about! 

Some other fish I found interesting from previous classes are:
                Atlantic Cod
                Japanese Puffer Fish (really cool fish)
                Northern Pike
                Bullethead Parrotfish

Thank you for visiting!!

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me at


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Site Designed by Lauren Webb - Last Updated: 4.15.09
University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
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