

Domain: Eukarya

All organisms that belong to the domain Eukarya contain cells with a nuclear organelle.

Kingdom: Plantae

This group consists of multicellular organisms that produce their own food (autotrophs) via photosynthesis. Organisms in this kingdom also have cell walls.

Class: Magnoliopsida

These plants are eudicots with two cotyledons. The veins on the leaves of these plants are net-like.

Phylum: Magnoliophyta

This phylum is more commonly referred to as the flowering plants or angiosperms. All angiosprems have leaves, stems, roots, and vacular or conducting tissue.

Order: Sapindales

Most species in this order are trees, vines, or shrubs.

Family: Burseraceae

Members of this family produce non-allergenic resin (the substance that Myrrh is created from) and can be distinguished by their flaking, aromatic bark. Trees from this family form soft wood that is used in making plywood.

Genus: Commiphora

These flowering plants are often thorny and produce fragrant resins (as mentioned for Burseraceae).

Species: Commiphora myrrha

Commiphora Phylogenetic Tree

The phylogenetic tree shown above represents various members of the Commiphora genus. As mentioned on the home page, more than one Commiphora species produce Myrrh, but since the other species are not certain, we will concentrate on Commiphora myrrha (highlighted).