
Walleye need many things and the right environment to survive and mature. Walleye are excellent predators and feed mostly on minnows. However, like every other organism they are also opportunistic. Walleye will not pass up a chance to feed on mayflies, crayfish, crickets, grasshoppers and other insects. Just watch out when they are spawning because they will eat anything that passes by. They will even eat mice and small ducks.

"Photo Courtesy, Jeff Sundin".

Walleye are not only delicious, but are extremely nutritious for you as well. Walleye meat contains many essential nutrients and healthy fats. Walleye fillets are a good source of protein that is needed to maintain and grow muscle tissue. Walleye also contain omega 3, a polyunsaturated fatty acid. Omega 3 can decrease triglycerides and plaque that can build up in arteries. It can also lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

Only eat walleye and other fish in moderations though. Since they live in water they are exposed to many pollutants and chemicals that can cause disease. Fish can also have unsafe levels of mercury. Mercury can cause problems with learning and coordination. Fish can contain many parasites that can be passed on to humans if not properly cooked. Symptoms range from an upset stomach to diarrhea and vomiting and in extreme cases death. Do not be scared away from consuming this gift from the sea, but be careful and only eat fish two-three times a week. Check out the walleye reproduction cycle.               

"Photo Courtesy, Jeff Sundin".