Highbush blueberry. Used with permission from Daniel Ahlqvist.

Interesting Facts

Here are a few interesting bits of information about Vaccinium corymbosum that you may not know:


Blueberries are often called huckleberries in different parts of the United States.  This is confusing, however, because a huckleberry is actually a different kind of plant.  Thank goodness for binomial nomenclature!  After looking at the images below, can you tell why they are often confused?  Hint: huckleberries are on the left, blueberries are on the right.

Huckleberries.  Image courtesy of Laurel F. on Wikimedia Commons. Highbush blueberry! Courtesy of Darkone on Wikimedia Commons.


The Native Americans had many uses for Vaccinium corymbosum.  One of these uses was a tea that they made from the leaves.  They used this tea as a cure for diarrhea, as well as for menstrual suppression.  The flowers and the rhizomes were used to treat infant colic, induce labor, and purify the blood.

Blueberries are also known for their antioxidants.  Antioxidants help to get rid of free radicals in the blood that can cause cancer, Alzheimer's, and other age-related illnesses.  Blueberries are among the best foods in terms of antioxidants per serving.  Click here to learn more about the nutritional benefits that blueberries have to offer.

Blueberries are among the more recent fruits to be cultivated because they are already so abundant in nature.  Cultivation started in order to keep up with the very high public demand for delicious blueberries. 


Did you really think I discovered all of this cool stuff about Vaccinium corymbosum by myself?  Of course not!  See where I got my information by visiting my References page.

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