Photo by Jessy Dou. Used with permission.


European Flounder. © Hans Hillewaert. Public domain. Used with permission.Numerous other organisms interact with the beluga sturgeon everyday. Due to the sturgeon being a fish and living in a marine environment, the majority of these organisms are fish. Due to the predatory lifestyle of H. huso, the vast majority of its interactions with other organisms is when the sturgeon is enjoying a meal. Some of these organisms include the Caspian roach, the European flounder, gobies, haddock, mullet, herring gull, and pickerel.

Other organisms that live in the same aquatic habitat include phytoplankton, catfish, and Persian sturgeon. These organisms exist in the same habitat but also compete with one another for the various food sources listed above. While phytoplankton and catfish have healthy and full populations, the Persian sturgeon is in the same "boat" as the beluga sturgeon. Both of these sturgeon are sought after for their meat and for their caviar.

Beluga caviar. Public domain. Used with permission.The most influential species that interacts with Huso huso is humans. Humans have led to an extreme decrease in the numbers of sturgeon located in these areas and have ultimately led to their critical endangerment. While the meat does hold the same nutritional value as most any fish, the caviar serves almost no nutritional value except for a large amount of cholesterol. The meat  may be a good source of several vitamins, but the fish is also relatively fatty. Overall, the meat would probably be a sustainable food source but the caviar would not.

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