Welcome to the Huso huso webpage!
This website has been created to share
information about the mysterious Huso huso species, more commonly
known as the Beluga Sturgeon. Many individuals probably haven't
heard the term beluga associated with a sturgeon before, for
most think of the beautiful white
beluga whale. Soon you will learn that there is very little
in common with these two organisms that just happen to share the
same name. Much like the beluga whale is sought after for some
of its whale-like qualities, Huso huso is
commonly fished and even poached, for its meat and
delectable caviar.
Due to overfishing and damming of spawning waters, Huso huso
has been classified as a species that is critically endangered.
Currently, several restocking efforts are in place to keep the
sturgeon from becoming extinct though fishing quotas remain
unchanged. If something is not done quickly, this sturgeon
species will no longer exist naturally in the world.
Now that we have just scratched the surface about the beluga
sturgeon, let's get into the specifics. Next, explore the
classification page!
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University of Wisconsin - La Crosse. Go explore similar websites
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