Contact Me

 Hi everyone! My name is Katie Moldenhauer. I'm a freshman at University of Wisconsin La Crosse. I'm majoring in psychology and pre-medicine with a chemistry and biology minor with aspirations to become a clinical psychologist. I'm currently enrolled in Organismal Biology taught by mycologist Dr. Tom Volk and parasitologist  Dr. Gregory Sandland. As part of the course, everyone is assigned to make a web page on a particular organism. All the websites created are compiled at the Multiple Organisms web page. Check it out and see all the various organisms students have made similar websites for!

In high school, I did cancer research on mice with Moringa oleifera. That along with the fact that many people are unaware of this miracle tree is why I chose it to make my web page on. To learn more about my research with this plant, click here.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at

Dr. Volk can be contacted at and Dr. Sandland can be contacted at

Thanks so much for

visiting my page!



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