Who Are You?!

Domain: Eukarya
    Kingdom: Plantae
        Phylum: Magnoliophyta
            Class: Magnoliopsida
                Order: Rosales
                    Family: Rosaceae
                        Genus: Malus
                            Species: Malus domestica

Eukarya- Is a domain of organisms that are classified by the presence of membrane bound organelles and true nucleus.  Eukaryotes are also bigger and more complex than Prokaryote (usually!).
Plantae- Is a kingdom of organisms that are multicellular, autotrophic  organisms that contain cell walls made of cellulose.
Magnoliophyta- This phylum includes all flowering plants
Magnoliopsida– Is a class that includes organism that are Dicotyledonous (Dicots).  Dicots have net-like vein leaves, two cotyledons, a taproot, and floral organs that are in multiples of fours and fives.
Rosales – This order is largely based on phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences.
Rosaceae – Is a family of trees, shrubs, and herbs. They have medium-sized flowers that have five sepals fused at their base.
Malus – This genus contains small trees or shrubs that are deciduous and grow apple fruits.


This phylogenetic tree on the right shows the grand scheme of things.  It follows Malus domestica’s most general classification from its domain to kingdom.  On the left, you see blue common ancestor that all living things derive from. From there, all living things are divided into 3 domains seen in red.  Then, the domain Eukarya is broken into 5 supergroups shown in green.  Lastly, the supergroup Archaeplastida is divided into 4 kingdoms shown in purple.  Malus domestica would finally be classified under the kingdom land plants.  Chlorophytes and Charophytes are classified together as green algae and it is believed that green algae gave rise to land plants. 

The phylogenetic tree on the left shows Malus domestica’s closest relatives.  All of these species come from the genus Malus and have a common ancestor shown in blue.  All of the species in red are different types of crabapples.  Some kinds of crabapples are able to be cross-fertilized with apples showing their close relation.  Finally, at the end there is a break between wild apples and domesticated apples.  This happened when humans started to domesticate apples and caused two different species of apples to form. This tree is based off of morphological characteristics.


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