Alpacas- Permission granted from Wikicomons



eventoed ungulatesVicugna pacos
have padded feet that are beneficial for their environment. The soft padding under their even toed feet allows them to walk across the vegetation and not dig it up. They have this adaption, because up in the Andes of Peru there is not a lot of vegetation. Since vegetation is sparse, their survival depends on them not losing the grazing area. This is also the same reason that alpacas do not eat the grass all the way to the roots; so it will grow back faster.

 Alpacas also have long legs. Their legs help them run away from predators.(8) Alpacas also have fleece fur that keeps them warm during the cold winters in the Altiplano. To learn more about where alpacas live visit the habitat page!


Alpacas can also go a while without food or water. During this time, they take nutrients from other parts of their bodies. (8) By looking at an alpacas fleece, you can tell if they are food/water deprived because the fleece will not be very thick.(8) The quality of their fleece changes, since alpacathe nutrients have been utilized.



Alpacas also have very long necks. This is so they can see predators from a distance.



<Habitat                         Nutrition>