
    Rhododendron ponticum is a successful invasive species, especially in the British Isles. Due to its adaptations, it can typically outcompete any native plants trying grow in the same area. This invasion leaves land damaged. Due to the high cost and difficulty involved in restoring the land, it is often abandoned.

     Attempts to control this invasion are either too expensive, dangerous to other organisms living in the area, or physically demanding. However, alternate methods to control the invasion are being looked into. For example, if the seed dispersal patterns can be accurately predicted, one may be
able to stop the plant before it spreads.                                       © Copyright The Reader's Digest
Also, if researchers can determine how to                                                       Association, Inc. 1987
prevent insects from pollinating the flowers,
the spread of Rhododendron ponticum
could also be slowed down.

Fun Facts

Rhododendron was discovered in the 16th century by Charles l'Ecluse, a Flemish botanist.

There are more than 6,000 different cultivated varieties of Rhododendron.

Did you know that since Rhododendrons require acidic soil, they are sometimes called acid loving plants?

A well-established Rhododendron ponticum requires an herbicide with unique chemicals and several treatments over many years in order to kill it and keep it from returning.


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