About Me

 My name is Tom Duemke, and I am a Sophomore at the University of   Wisconsin La Crosse. Currently I am a Biology major, with a Chemistry minor, and I plan to use my degree to get a job in Pharmacy. I would like to work in a hospital rather than retail because I feel like working with doctors and other medical professionals on a daily basis would be very fun, and working with patients very rewarding. 

Currently I work as a customer service professional (cashier) at a local convenience store. When I'm not working or studying, I enjoy hanging out with my roommates, and playing video games.  

I made this website for a biology class, the assignment was to create a full website detailing either a poisonous or venomous organism. I chose Conocybe filaris because it seemed really interesting. I mean, this is a common lawn mushroom that contains the same toxins as the deadly death cap; how fascinating is that?