Caution Chlorophyllum molybdites present


Contact Me

Hello! My name is Katie Haakana and I am the creator of this site. I am an undergrad at University of Wisconsin- La Crosse. I am pre-med with a biology major and a biomedical concentration with minors in chemistry and psychology. I hope to one day use this education to become a pediatrician. I would love to be able to wake up everyday and work with kids.

Some more things about me is that I'm originally from the Twin Cities and spend my summers there working and volunteering. In my spare time I enjoy going on long runs, playing tennis, golfing, and soccer. I also enjoy reading books on the beach and hanging out with all my friends.

If you can have questions for me, please feel free to contact me at

Cite this source:

Haakana, K. (2013, April 19). Chlorophyllum molybdites. Retrieved from
