Caution Chlorophyllum molybdites present


Identifying Chlorophyllum molybdites


Technical Description:                

Chlorophyllum molybdites have a range of what they look like physically. This can make it hard to identify. Other mushrooms make look very similar because they all can be varied by looks. This is why you should always consult a mycologist before trying to identify a mushroom on your own. A common description of the mushroom is having a large cap that is scaly, has gills and green spots. Also, they are often found in a fairy ring formation. The cap typically ranges from 7-30cm across and is egg-shaped. The majority are white with some brown/cinnamon colored scales.

can also be a greenish color with some bruising turning yellow to brownish. The cap of the mushroom is typically round and becomes flat over time.  In the center of the mushroom it often will have patches of various colors: whitish, pinkish, or cream-colored. The base of the stalk slowly widens (1/4 to 1 inch). The upper stalk will have a ring around it. The total length of the stalk ranges from 3-10 inches. The gills on the underside of the mushroom are packed in closely together and are typically white, gray-green, or darker.

 Macrolepiota procera, more commonly known as Parasol, looks very similar but has more of a tall, thinner, more scaly stalk. This explains why Chlorophyllum molybdites is often called false parasol. This mushroom is often mistaken for the edible ones because during their spore stage in their life they look white like other fungi. During its gametophyte stage it appears green; it just may take a while for it to develop into this stage of its life. Below you can see how these mushrooms do look similar especially to the untrained eye!












         Similar looking Macrolepiota procera                                              Close up of young white C. molybdites 


Remember: When in doubt, throw it out!


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