
Marbled cone snails are found near coral reefs, which are known for their wide diversity and abundance of numerous plant and animal species.  Most of these species are ignored by C. C. marmoreus feeding on another mollusc from beneath the substrate (Courtesy of Jeanette and Scott Johnson)marmoreus,  since it is a carnivore and doesn't consume plant matter, and is stenophagous, which means it feeds on a specific food.  For more information on the diet of this animal and how it catches its food, visit the Nutrition page. Stenophagous organisms have little or no competition with other organisms.  It therefore occupies its own ecological niche, and more species of cone snails can inhabit a single region.  The coral itself serves as the snail's home, along with the rock ledges they grow on and the sandy substrate they lay upon.

Although C. marmoreus is a predacious organism, that doesn’t mean it is free from becoming prey itself.  Crabs similar to the Red Rock Crab, other crustaceans, and even otherConus marmoreus scoping out a potential new victim, a mole cowry (Courtesy of Jeanette and Scott Johnson) snails often consume the marbled cone snail.  The architechture of its shell is very beneficial under these circumstances, because the crabs have a hard time grasping its cone shape.  This is just one of many adaptations this particular snail has developed to become more successful.

Another interaction that takes place with this snail involves humans.  Shell collecting is a very popular hobby, and the marbled cone snail is a great addition to any collection.  Its bright and distinct coloration provide incentive to find and/or photograph its beauty.

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