Conus marmoreus is
a marine snail and is widely distributed in the
tropical Pacific and Indian oceans, similar to where the
whale and
albacore tuna can be found. They
are found in relatively shallow water at a depth ranging from
one to twenty meters, where there are many plants and
sunlight-dependent organisms since the light is allowed to
penetrate into the water. Their usual habitat consists of coral
reef terraces and sandy ocean bottoms, like the
picture below. This is so they can bury
themselves under the substrate to ambush prey.
For more on how
the marbled cone snail attacks and eats its prey, go to the
Nutrition page. While most cone snails are
nocturnal, C. marmoreus is unusually active during the
day. Some other organisms that inhabit this same habitat
include other species of cone snails, numerous fish, coral, and
of course, other snails for Conus marmoreus to feed on.
For more
information on other species interacting with Conus
marmoreus, go to the
Interactions page.
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