
Although plants of the genus Dicentra are found throughout the world, Dicentra formosa, the Pacific Bleeding Heart, is found on the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Dicentra formosa is native to the United States and Canada. One can typically find Dicentra formosa in cool, damp woods and near mountains. Flowers bloom from March to July depending on elevation. These plants prefer  forest habitats such as thickets, stream banks, and ravines.

Permission by Gary A. Monroe http://plants.usda.gov/java/imageGallery?category=sciname&txtparm=Dicentra&familycategory=all&growthhabit=all&duration=all&origin=all&wetland=all&imagetype=all&artist=all&copyright=all&location=all&stateSelect=all&cite=all&viewsort=25&sort=sciname

Along with Dicentra formosa, other organisms from the genus Dicentra live in this niche. These include Dicentra nevadensis (Sierra Bleeding Heart), Dicentra pauciflora, and Dicentra uniflora (longhorn steer's head).

The Pacific Bleeding Heart has many symbiosis with other organisms (ants, hummingbirds, insects, etc.) in the niche. Ants take the little black seeds, with white appendages on them, of the flower and carries the seeds to parts of the forest. In return, the ants eat the white appendages of the seed. This is a mutualistic relationship between ants and the Pacific Bleeding Heart. Other relationships include insects and hummingbirds pollinating the flowers.

Location of Dicentra formosa. Permission to use @ http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=DIFO

In figure above, it describes the location of Dicentra formosa in the United States.

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