Madia gracilis excretes a sticky substance that is attractive
to various pollinators, allowing plant comes into contact with
multiple various arthropods throughout its lifetime (Turner
2013). In an attempt to combat the herbivores that feed on it,
the plant uses the same sticky substance that attracts the
insects to the plant in the first place to trap it. The sticky
substance on the bulb is similar to the bulb of the
poppy plant, but without the major chemical properties
that make the poppy plant one of the most controversial plants on the
planet. Once
trapped, other predatory arthropods, like a
grasshopper, are able to feed on the
insects that were trapped, creating a relationship that both
helps the plant and the insects (Krimmel and Pearse 2013).
While some arthropods feed on the plant, some work with it to
create a more mutualistic relationship. The presence of
pollinators in the ecosystem begin to make sense of the cost-benefit
ratio that the plant has with creating many floral leaves. While
it is very costly to create many floral leaves, pollinators
like the
bumble bee and other
butterflys are attracted to the plants with the most
brightly colored leaves, making its rate of reproduction higher.
While in the absence of these pollinators, the plants with more
floral leaves were not as fit to that environment, thus
emphasizing the importance of the mutualistic relationship with
the pollinators (Celedón-Neghme 2006).
The seeds of the M. gracilis are very nutritious and are fed
upon by numerous grassland species, such as
and other
small mammals. Along with animals, native people living
within the growth range of the plant have utilized the vast
nutritious value of these seeds, with some native tribes using
the seed as a staple of their regular diet (Sonoma 2013, Ross
2012). Other native plants such as the
Salmonberry have been utilized in the diets of Native
Americans for centuries.
M. gracilis, as well as other plants, is a primary producer
and is located at the bottom of the food chain in its ecosystem.
It is able to coexist with other shrubs and herbs in the same
forest or prairie environment without harming them or relying on
them for nutrients (Evens et al. 2004). Other types of weeds,
like the
dandelion, can also live in these types of environments. The only type of
competition exhibited by the plant is the need for sunlight,
which in some cases it must compete with very large trees like
the giant
Redwood trees in California, but
the other types of brush and herbs in the same ecosystems do not
pose a major threat to this problem.
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