
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Cheirogaleidae
Genus: Microcebus
Species: Microcebus murinus
Domain: Eukarya
The Eukarya domain is a large taxon consisting of organisms that have cells containing DNA inside of a nucleus and membrane bound organelles. Check out another member of the Eukarya, the Alabama Cave Shrimp!
Kingdom: Animalia
Animalia are eukaryotic organisms that are heterotrophic, meaning that animals must consume other organisms to make energy. They also have cells that lack walls for mobility. Check out other oragnisms in Kingdom Animalia including the Dusky Footed Woodrat, the Silky Anteater, or the Ribbon Flatworm!
The above phylogeny represents where the Microcebus murinus is grouped in relation to other Animalia. It is a member of Phylum Chordata. Keep reading to learn why this species is a member of this phylum.

Phylum: Chordata
Chordata is a phylum of the Animalia kingdom. Chordata are triploblastic, which means they consist of three intricate types of tissues called the endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm. Chordates have one bilateral line of symmetry. Other organsims that share this charcteristic are the Arctic Fox and the Southern Right Whale.
Class: Mammalia
Mammalia is a class containing animals with vertebrates that have hair. Most mammals undergo live births and young offspring are temporarily fed with milk that is produced in the mother’s mammary glands (Encyclopedia of Life 2014). Other cool mammals include the California Meadow Vole and the Red Fox.
Order: Primates
Primates derived from ancestors that were arboreal, meaning they lived in trees. Most modern arboreal primates reside in trees, although some Primates are terrestrial. Primates are considered be highly adaptable, but with the exception of humans, are mostly found in the tropical forests of Asia and Africa (Encyclopedia of Life 2014). Check out two other primates, the Hainan Gibbon and the Pygmy Marmoset!
Family: Cheirogaleidae
Cheirogaleidae is a family of primates that contains about 30 relative species of lemurs, including the world’s smallest known primate. Primates in this family are nocturnal and move with all four of their legs. Cheirogaleids are also characterized by having rather short limbs relative to their body length. Some Cheirogaleids hibernate during specific times of year (Encyclopedia of Life 2014).

This phylogeny illustrates how the Microcebus murinus is related to other members of the Microcebus Genus.

Genus: Microcebus
The genus of Microcebus is made up of mouse lemurs of the Cheirogaleida family that are nocturnal and native to Madagascar. Mouse lemurs are about 27 centimeters long from the top of their head to the end of their tail (Encyclopedia of Life 2014).
Species: Microcebus murinus
The Latin scientific name of Microcebus murinus is known by the common name, gray mouse lemur.

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Taxonomy from (Wilson, et al. 2005)