
The Mexican Red Rump Tarantula is indigenous to Central America. However due to the domestication of the tarantulaDistribution as a exotic pet this spider has been found wild in parts of Florida as well (Machkour et al. 2011 2). The spider thrives in warm tropical climates found in these countries. The Mexican red rump spider inhabits many places in Latin American rural villages (Machkour et al. 2011 2). This can cause serious problems for the spider population despite the fact that Mexican red rump tarantula is not harmful to humans.
            Mexican red rump spiders are a threatened species (Machkour et al. 2011 1). The spiders are suffering from a specific type of habitat destruction in their native areas. The type of destruction is referred to as habitat isolation by Machkour and Henaut. What happens is a population of the spiders inhabits a certain area but then due to outside influences the population gets separated by an outside force this force acts as a wall breaking the population into smaller populations of spiders. Some of these Forces include agriculture, roads and this means that population so spiders is smaller thus limiting genetic diversity. This makes all the sub populations more susceptible to potentially deadly influences and can wipe out spider populations. Also with small populations of B. vagans reproduction can cause difficulties this is due to their very aggressive nature. Mexican red rumps have been known to burrow in a close vicinity which often leads to confrontations and fights between tarantulas.
B. vagans            The main area that this is happening in is the Caribbean side of Latin America. Due to massive sugar cane plantations (Machkour et al. 2011 1). Because the tarantula is a burrowing spider it cannot create its burrows on plantation areas with plowing and cultivating of the land. This separates the population of tarantulas geographically, causing the formation of new smaller sub populations. The reason these small populations lack in genetic diversity is they don’t have enough individuals to create a substantial amount of genetic variation (Machkour et al. 2011 1). This coupled with the Brachypelma vagans aggressive and cannibalistic nature cause even less genetic variation. This leads to a great amount of inbreeding which can weaken the population and make it more susceptible to disease and other environmental influences.
           Many populations of The Mexican red rump tarantula live inside rural villages. With the lack of lots of vegetation in soil provides an optimal spot for these tarantulas to burrow. However many tarantulas have misleading folklore that causes people to want to exterminate them. Some of these common myths are tarantulas venom can kill you, their bite causes flesh to rot and hooves to fall of livestock and that tarantulas (Perez and Miles, 2009).

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