Fast Facts
Did you know that...
P. westermani doesn't
discriminate between body parts. Although it prefers our lungs, it
will migrate to almost anywhere else in the body as well. There was
even one case of the little fluke ending up in someone's little
finger! (Sims et al. 2010)
In order to live in both the lungs and
little fingers of its definitive host (mostly us, some other
mammals), P. westermani has THREE entirely different populations of
mitochondria that produce ATP in both aerobic and anerobic
environments (Takaiyama et al. 20010).
Fluke is just the common name for a
trematode (Procop 2009).
Not counting the egg, P. westermani has FOUR
unique forms through its life cycle: miricidia (free-living
cilliated zygote) (Liu et al. 2008), cercaria (zygotic
worm) (Iwagami et al. 2007), metacercaria
(encysted worm) (Kuk-Na, et al. 2005), and adult! (Rekah
Devi et al. 2012).
Once in your gut, P. westermani metacercaria
will BURROW through your body until it reaches your lungs or other
terminal destination. It does this via secreting special enzymes
that soften your body tissues, making it easier to pass through!
(Na, et al. 2005)
The latter part of the fluke's name (westermani) was taken from the name of a zookeeper whose Bengal tigers died of paragonimiasis from the fluke (Procop 2009). you know!
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