Mesodon clausus
The Details of a Terrestrial Snail Diet
Olfaction (sense of smell) is the main sensory behavior utilized to find and move towards a food item. Terrestrial snails are herbivores. They feed on plant material (i.e. leaves, stems, and bark), various fruits, and algae.
Snails have a rough tongue called a radula. The radula is used to scrape particles of food into their mouths. The rows of small teeth that the terrestrial snail possess are made of chitin.
It is imperative that a snail consume enough calcium to produce their shells. They get calcium primarily from dirt and rocks; the radula grinds tiny pieces from soft stones, such as limestone. The calcium snails ingest is absorbed during digestion and is then put to use by the mantle in the creation of the shell. (See Adaptations)