Snail Reproduction
Most terrestrial snails are
hermaphroditic. This means that
each individual snail possesses both
male and female reproductive organs.
This type of reproduction increases the
chance of new colonization of the
species, because more offspring can be
produced. The age at which snails
reach sexual maturity varies among
species, and it may take up to three
years before snails are old enough to
reproduce. Mature snails begin
mating in early summer. Both
individuals involved lay fertilized eggs
in nests dug out of moist soil.
The snails lay several dozen eggs, then
cover them with soil where they stay
until they are ready to hatch.
Torsion is an anatomical event that is part of the process of development for snails and slugs of all kinds. This process occurs very early in a gastropod's life cycle in the larval stage of development. Torsion is the term to describe the 180 degree rotation of the visceral mass, mantle, and shell, with respect to the head and foot of the gastropod. Torsion results in bringing the mantle cavity and anus to an anterior position.