

This photo represents the insides of a landsnail- found on Wiki-mediaThis snail favors neutral and calcareous, calcium containing, sites for its search for food. (Nekola, 2010) The Vertigo meramecensis is not a parasite and is not used as a host for other organisms. The bluff vertigo was found on mosses and lichens so they follow the diet of a herbivore. This diet usually consists of fungi, algae, leaves, bark, fruits and vegetables. Sources of calcium are also desired in order to keep their shell strong. This is another reason this species is found in calcareous rich environments. (Nekola, 2003) The Vertigo genus ingests using its radula as well as its small teeth which scrapes up food which is transferred to the digestive tract. Since the bluff Vertigo snail is a member of the order Stylommatophora, it has the same general internal structures to others in that order. The picture at the top shows the one way digestive system these snails possess. The food is ingested through the mouth then held in the crop where salivary glands contain digestive enzymes. The food proceeds to the stomach then is removed by the anus. Members of the order Stylommatophora have an open circulatory system. This circulatory system consists of a heart, vessels, and a sinus. The components of the circulatory system work together to filter the hemolymph, and remove wastes through the nephridophore. (Hickman,2009)