
       Common to snails, Psuedosuccinea columella is capable of reproducing by self-fertilization. This species, again, like most other land snails, is hermaphroditic, meaning that they possess both male and female reproductive organs. This, non-specific, trait is very useful in times when reproduction is necessary without a partner, to recover a depleted population for example. When partners are available, the reproductive method of choice is cross fertilization where different alleles can be exchanged and form various combinations, making genetic variability possible (Forbes, 1946).  


        When fertilization has occurred, the eggs, which are surrounded by a hyaline capsule or envelope, are laid within a gland filled with a jelly-like substance. This “egg-sac” is surrounded by a tough, protective sac called a clutch (Forbes, 1946).

        P.columella is considered to have a direct lifestyle, meaning that the offspring that hatches from their eggs are a smaller form of the adult. There are no larval stages; the offspring simply grow into adulthood. The lifecycle of this snail has been found to be rapid, having a high reproductive rate, quick growth to the adult form, and a short life span (Pointer et al. 2007)

        Pseudosuccinea columella is capable of reproducing in most conditions but there are certain conditions that are more favorable to this species. These conditions include temperatures of 10-30 degrees Celsius and high moisture levels in the soil. Under these conditions, if kept constant, high growth and reproductive rates of this species can be observed (Prepelitchi et al. 2010).

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