
   Vertigo paradoxa is a terrestrial snail that has a varied and sometimes widespread distribution. This species has been found as far north as Canada, in Alberta, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Quebec (Sterki, 2007). Vertigo paradoxa has also been found in nine state within the United States, including Maine, some of the upper Midwest states and Wyoming. (Sterki, 2007).  Kansas and Nebraska have also had fossil remains found of Vertigo paradoxa (Sterki, 2007).

   Jeff Nekola has conducted many surveys in the Great Lakes region and has found Vertigo paradoxa in Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Vermont, New York, and Wisconsin (Sterki, 2007). Nekola reports Vertigo paradoxa being found in 63 locations, which were found in six states totaling 2,206 individuals (Sterki, 2007). This species  has also been reported in the Black Hills in South Dakota and Wyoming. (Sterki, 2007).
   Vertigo paradoxa
has been studied extensively in Wisconsin and Michigan. In Michigan, the Mystery Vertigo has been reported recently from seven counties in the Upper Peninsula; Chippewa, Gogebic, and Schoolcraft county to name a few (Sterki, 2007).



     A study was conducted from 1996 to 2001 in eastern Wisconsin and the southern Upper Peninsula of Michigan determining if the species of Vertigo snails were present and their distribution patterns. From this study, there were 18 different locations were Vertigo paradoxa was encountered (Nekola, 2003). The population of this snail tended to be found in soil pockets or wood cliffs and were most commonly spotted toward the eastern side of Wisconsin (Nekola, 2003).


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