
     Stagnicola emarginata are the hosts for many parasites in their habitat.  Many of these parasites are of the class Trematoda and use the snail as an intermediate host for their life cycle (Global species 2011).  An intermediate host is where a parasite will develop but no sexual reproduction or maturation of the parasite will develop (Hickman et al. 2009).
    An example of a trematode that parasitizes the Stagnicola is:

    The duck fluke (Encyclopedia of life), or Cotylurus flabelliformis (Global species 2011), is a parasite to the St. Lawrence pondsnail.  The duck fluke infects the snail as a host to it's multistep life cycle.  The life cycle of the duck fluke occurs as follows:
        -The eggs of the duck fluke are deposited into the water and hatch within about 3 weeks
        -They then infect the snails of the the family Lymnaeidae
        -The generations that infect the snails of the sporocysts and the cercariae, repectively
        -The cercariae move from the first snail host to a second snail host
        -Other animals become infected by the duck fluke when the snails shed the cercaria and infect the other snails in the pond.  The snails are then eaten by other animals and become infected as well (Quizlet LLC. 2011)

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