

There is little information known about of specific reproduction habits for Patera binneyana; however based off of the similarities that this particular species has with other terrestrial snails, it is suitable to note that there shouldn’t be many differences in reproduction.  

Snails that come from the family of Polygrid family are known to be monoecious meaning that they are hermaphroditic having both female and males sexual organs (Hotopp, 2005). These snails may reproduce sexually or asexually; however sexual reproduction of the two animals is favored because it provides more genetic diversity (Hotopp, 2005). During the time when there is sexual mating between two snails, they tend to both plays the female and male role (Martin, 2000).    

Snails come together to mate given the appropriate conditions or the correct time in the year. (Hotopp, 2005). When snails mate there is usually an occurrence of internal fertilization where the eggs and sperm come together (Hotopp, 2005). After copulation (sexual reproduction) any viable sperm reaming could be stored within the snails body for up to a year (Martin, 2000).  When snails are ready, they tend to lay their eggs in deep moist areas such as damp logs (Dourson, 2006).  

Terrestrial snails go through a direct life cycle. A direct life cycle is when the adult lays their eggs, and the eggs hatch directly into a juvenile (smaller replica of the adult) rather than first becoming a larva (Hickman et al., 2011).