
Since this particular species of snail has not been extensively studied, there have not been many discoveries on the exact means of reproduction specifically regarding the snail. However, classification is broadened to the class Gastropoda, subclass Pulmonata, some general statements can be made about the reproduction of snails in this classification.
Gastropod Pulmonate snails are monoecious, literally meaning “one house” (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2012). This simply means that the snail is hermaphroditic or contains both male and female reproductive parts in one body or “house” (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2012).

       Pulmonate Gastropods (Image by Encyclopedia of Life)

Some Pulmonates engage in  courtship as a step before mating. Courtship is when animals use visuals, actions, chemicals, or scents to attract a mate (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2012). This way they can distinguish between their species and other species to ensure successful mating (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2012). These Pulmonates transfer sperm by inserting the penis of the snail acting as a male into the snail acting as a female (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2012). This is called internal fertilization and when the female is ready to lay the eggs, she lays them in places like the grooves of the shell or in the soil (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2012). She, being a land snail, will lay far less eggs than a fresh water or marine snail because more eggs tend to survive in land habitats (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2012).

These snails have a direct life cycle, meaning they have no larval stages (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2012). For example, humans have a direct life cycle (Hickman et. al., 2012). You are born as a baby and grow into an adult. Likewise, these snails hatch as a juvenile and grow into an adult (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2012).

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