Appalachina chilhoweensis (J. Lewis, 1870) Queen Crater



Carnegie Museum of Natural History. 2012. <URL:>. Accessed April 8, 2012

Chandler, R. J. 1973. The Inclination of Talus, Artic Talus Terraces, and Other Slopes Composed of Granular Materials. The Jouranl of Geology,Vol. 81:1-14


Dourson, D. 2006. Land Snails of the Great Smoky Mountains (Eastern Region). Blackwell Publishing: Malden, Massachusetts

Dourson, D. 2010. Kentucky’s Land Snails and their Ecological Communities, Goatslug Publications, Bakersville, North Carolina, USA.

Hickman, C.P., L.S. Roberts, S.L. Keen, A. Larson, and D.J. Eisenhour. 2009. Animal diversity. 5th edition. McGraw Hill, New York, New York, USA. p     179-191.

Hubricht, L. 1985. The Distributions of the Native Land Mollusks of the Eastern United States. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois, USA.


Myers, P., Espinosa, C. S, Parr, T. Jones, G.S. Hammond, and T. A. Dewey. 2012.                       Accessed 23 February 2012.


Pilsbry, H. 1940. Land Mollusca of North American (North of Mexico). Wickersham Printing Company, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA.


Wilbur, K.M. 1984. The Mollusca: volume 7 reproduction. Academic Press Inc, Orlando, Florida, USA.

Other links for further knowledge about the Appalachina chilhoweensis and terrestrial land snails:

-Jax Shells:

-Multiple Organisms:

-Wisconsin Land Snails:

-Carnegie Museum of Natural History:

-Animal Diversity:

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