
Kingdom: Animalia- Also called the Metazoa and are not prokaryotes nor protists.  They are multicellular and are heterotrophs, which means they rely on other organisms for nourishment, unlike plants that can create their own. 

Phylum: Arthropoda- They are bilateral symmetrical protostomes with segmented bodies.  They have an exoskeleton used for their protection and it is mainly made up on chitin.  The three body parts that they are mainly separated into is the head, thorax and abdomen.  Most grow by molting through their exoskeletons in a process called ecdysis.  A complex internal muscle system is put into place to control their appendages for movement.  They also have a pair of compound eyes, a open circulatory system and complete gut cavity. 

Class: Insecta- They are like most arthropods in that they have the three main body parts.  On their heads they have compound eyes as well as a pair of antennae.  Most also have two pairs of wings attached to the thorax of their bodies.  They have a number of ganglia as well as a double ventral nerve cord used for their sensory organs to be connected to the brain.  They are a dioecious organism and reproduction takes place internally in most.

Order: Hymenoptera- They have two pairs of wings with a mandible for chewing.  They also carry a proboscis that is used for drinking liquids such as nectar.

Family: Formicidae- These family members are distinctly known for having a metapleural gland which produces an acid called phenyacetic acid and it fights against fungi and bacteria.  This certain gland separates ants from the other hymenoptera.

Genus: Camponotus- They are in the ant grouping and create their nests in damp or decaying wood within the forest or even homes.  They do not ingest the would however, such as termites. 

Species: C. pennsylvanicus- These are the most common household pest.  They are dark black in color ranging from 6-18 mm long.  They will search up to 100 yards away in search of food and eat sugars and fats. 

(Myers 2012)

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