Reproduction and Life Cycle

Papilio glaucus is diecious, requiring sexual reproduction.  Males can be seen patrolling along streams and trails looking for females.  Females then lay their eggs one at a time on leaves of  plants such as cottonwood, willow, birch and ash.
FemaleBlack Female
Papilio glaucus male                                        Papilio glaucus female                                               Papilio glaucus black female

The eggs are large globs that are green in color. 

The caterpillar starts out brown and white, looking like  bird droppings, while mature caterpillars are green with large. The caterpillar chrysalises over winter, and the mature butterfly emerges in spring.

The caterpillar gains its protection against enemies with the large fake eyespots on the thorax.  It also has an osmeterium, which can emit a foul odor to use against predators. (Emmel, 1975)


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