Monochamus notatus


Used with permission from Mike Mills. 2012The Monochamus notatus life cycle usually requires two years to complete. The adults emerge around in the spring, and they feed on coniferous plants until mating occurs. Females chew slits into the bark to deposit their eggs. The larvae emerge after approximately two weeks and begin feeding. They make their way back to the surface after overwintering; this creates a u-shaped tunnel. They then pupate near the surface, and the adults will emerge the following spring (Entomology Collection 2001-2002).

Males in the genus Monochamus tend to have longer antennae. This has been tracked down to a probable reproductive strategy. In order for one beetle to sense the presence of another their antennae have to come in contact with each other. The longer antennae allows male to perceive potential rivals over a much larger area (Hughes 1979).