
Kingdom: Animalia
        Members of this kingdom are heterotrophic and multicellular(Hickman et al. 2009).

Phylum: Mollusca
        Mollusks can be defined by their foot, mantle, and visceral mass (Hickman et al. 2009).  They are soft-bodied, unsegmented coelomates (Burch 1962). They have a open circulatory system with hemolymph instead of blood and most mollusks have a shell made of calcium carbonate(Hickman et al. 2009). All Mollusks posses a radula which is used for scraping for food (Hickman et al. 2009).

Class: Gastropoda
        Gastropods are distinguished by the torsion of their visceral mass (Hickman et al. 2009). This is where the anus is twisted and positioned above the head (Hickman et al. 2009).  Gastropods are either herbivorous, carnivorous or parasitic (Hickman et al. 2009).

Order: Stylommatophora
        Snails in this order are characterized by having two pairs of retractable tentacles; on top of the larger pair is where the eyes are located (Burch 1962).

Family: Polygyridae
        Polygyridaes have helical shaped shells with reflected lips, this means the opening of the shell is turned outward (Burch 1962). The lip of the shell also has toothed apertures for protection from desiccation (Burch 1962). Polygyridaes lack the formation of love darts which are used by other gastropods during courtship (Burch 1962).

Genus: Fumonelix
        Members of this genus have large shells, no larger than 35mm, which are usually brown (Grimm et al. 2009).

Species: Fumonelix wheatleyi
Former species name before 1991: Mesodon wheatleyi (NatureServe 2010)
This species possesses a shell with about five and a half whorls with transverse striae rather than spiral striae (Dourson 2006). They also have a small parietal tooth (Dourson 2006). Young snails may have short, fine hairs (Dourson 2006).


Latin meaning of Fumonelix: covert

Meaning behind wheatleyi: wheatleyi doesn't have a Latin root but more than likely the founder of this snail named the snail after a person with the last name of Wheatley!

Common Name: Cinnamon Covert



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